Here is a list of all completed projects

ZRAS - Business Center

I designed and developed a sophisticated website for a Business Centre, utilizing high-quality images and cohesive design to effectively communicate the centre's core values and services.


I created a presentation for a feed mill website, focusing on enhancing user experience with high-quality images and cohesive design to better represent the company's core values and services


This is my first real project for a real client.


I took part in the creation of this project in the backend part.


This is my first project in which I used the backend for the first time

Online shop

This is an online store and both backend and frontend were used here


This is an online store where the frontend was mainly used

Chain App

This project was created during my programming education.


This project was made for the company Stylemix

Django Feauters

This is a project where the features of the Django framework were shown